The 5 C’s of Logo Design
It's been quite awhile - about 13 years - since I picked out my diamond engagement ring. (I'm the kind of gal who knows what I want, so my husband didn't even attempt to do it on his own!) At the time, I knew all there was to know about the 5 C's in choosing a diamond.A great logo is like a diamond in that it catches your eye immediately. That’s why I’ve put together the 5 C’s of logo design.CLEAR :: Your business name needs to be legible and in an easy-to-read font, whether it’s text-only or part of your logo graphic. And any graphic should compliment your name, not compete with it.CONCISE :: If your name or graphic doesn't explain what your business does, then your tag line should convey it. Customers need to know what you do at a glance.CLEAN :: A logo with too many fonts, a photograph, or ten colors is not versatile. Logo versatility is key, because then you’ll able to use it on anything: product packaging, a business card, a newspaper ad, or a web banner. (Hint: If it can be translated into black and white, you can be assured versatility.) It also must be originally created in a vector format in order to assure proper resolution when resizing.COLOR :: Generally, use only 2 or maybe 3 colors in a logo. And the colors should be appealing to your audience. i.e. bright colors for kids or greens for an eco-friendly product. Also, make sure the colors work for both web and print.CREATIVE :: I'm always drawn to cleverness and uniqueness in a logo. If there's a smart design element or a catchy tag line that represents a brand....that is a logo that leaves an impression.And if your brand leaves an impression, as diamonds do, it will sparkle more brightly amidst the competition.If you’d like the 5 C’s of your logo evaluated, sign up here for a free “quick look” logo consultation. This free consultation is a $50 value and available until October 15, 2010 just for readers of The Mogul Mom.