4 Simple Steps To Get Things Done
If you're like me, you've created lots of to-do lists for yourself. Yet, you feel like you never have enough time to get it all done.Come closer, I have a secret I want to share. You do have enough time to get everything done. You just need to decide what's important to you and then use your available time to get it done. Here's how:Let your values and priorities drive how you choose to spend your time.Sure you'd love to help out at your daughter's school, but does heading up the Fundraising Committee really fit with your core values and existing commitments to your family and your business? Find a simpler way to participate that requires less commitment and time.Determine your "high-payoff actions" each day and do them first. To-do lists get long and cluttered. Which items on that list can you do that will give you the most bang for your buck or buck for your bang?Establish a routine to maximize your time. Only check email, Twitter and Facebook at 11am, 4pm and 9pm each day. Make a meal plan for the week on Sundays and only shop for groceries on Mondays, etc. Set office hours and only work during those times.Figure out what you can automate and delegate at home and in business. Create a package or a plan for handling prospect inquiries so you aren't creating a new proposal each time someone asks for a quote. Try online banking, family scheduling and even online grocery-delivery.The bottom line is that mom entrepreneurs get the same 24 hours a day everyone else does.With priorities, planning, a routine, automation and delegation, you'll get the important stuff done.
Are you happy with what you accomplish most of the time, or are you constantly feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? Tell us in the comments.