Facebook 101: How to Fan Gate Without Tech Knowledge, Cash or Time
Pull up a chair, kitten. I think we need to talk.It's easy to slap up a Facebook fan page and complain that it's not converting visitors to paying customers. What's hard is realizing that you haven't put as much effort into the launch as you should.No one blames you - Facebook has gone through a ton of changes and it's hard to keep up.Let's wipe the slate clean. Start fresh. A new beginning. More fans, baby.
:: You want to give your fans a reason to come to your page and "like" you, so be sure to tell them exactly why they need to like your page.:: There's a reason why most Reveal Pages use arrows. Graphically and verbally telling your visitors what to do makes it easy on them.:: Think outside the box. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just do something that your customers haven't seen yet. Offer a coupon, give a great deal on a product you sell, show a video that can't be found anywhere else.I promised a low-tech, no cash and quick answer: Wildfire.I don't know when, but this app isn't going to be free forever, but as long as you install it before they start charging, you'll be grandfathered in at the free rate.So, let's get started, shall we? Head over to Wildfire's site to grab the app. You'll need to accept the permissions for the app (which are one of the lightest I've seen in a long time!)Next you'll need to choose the page on which you'd like to install the app.
Add in your information. Good news: you're one step away from the finish line.
Voila! By default, Fan Gate is on - so leave it that way. If you're familiar with HTML, you can write up some snazzy code for both the fan and non-fan views OR you can create a custom image for each.
There's one last step you need to complete. Click on "edit info".
...then "manage permissions". Choose your newly created "Welcome" page as your default landing page to make sure NON FANS land on your new page.That's it. You're done darling.
Basic HTML helpInkscape: open source graphics programTips on getting more fans
What do you give away in your reveal tab?