7 Strategies to Balance Being a Mom, Wife, and Entrepreneur

I want to watch Peppa the Pig. Can you try and pick up more milk from Publix? I really would like that necklace in rose gold. Does this come smaller? These are the questions that I hear all day in my office, car and and at home. Don’t get the wrong impression, I love what I do but it can be overwhelming at times. Amongst all this chaos, I often ask myself; how do I balance being a great mom, a loving wife and a successful entrepreneur?Each one of these roles is a full time job. This is before I have even had a second to worry about myself. When I graduated from school I worked as a buyer for a large department store. I found that most of the work was mundane number crunching. At such a large scale operation, the fashion was trivialized as numbers. Which sku sold and how many? I had a background in fashion design and merchandising and I always wanted to get back to fashion. I really missed spotting the new trends and touching the pieces.After getting married and having two beautiful girls I felt the urge to get back to work. While my children are still young, they are now in school. This finally gave me a small window to pursue my dreams. I started Love & Pieces, a curated online jewelry boutique. We have grown substantially in the short time that we have been around. While life has become very hectic, I chose to have it this way it, and I love it. A friend of mine actually told me about Mogul Mom and I spend a lot of time reading posts on the site.Two posts I love are The Beauty of Getting It Wrong and Work Like a Mom, Not a Man. The most recent post got me motivated to write my own. I’m not a psychologist and I don’t claim to know what will work for others. However, I do know what works for me. Hopefully this list can help another mother find balance.

7 Strategies For Balance: Keeping Your Family, Business and Yourself Happy

1. Make sure you set aside specific time for everyone. Time that is solely devoted to either family or yourself or work. Each one deserves undivided attention at some point.2. Multitasking may not always work. Your children know when you’re not present. Responding to emails while you are playing with your children doesn’t work. Both parties are being shortchanged and they can tell.3. Set aside at least one day of the week and one night of the week where you don’t discuss or think about work. Spend the day with your family. Go out to dinner with your husband. Don’t work.4. Remember yourself. Don’t get overwhelmed caring for everyone else and forget yourself. I need to work out to relieve stress and feel good. Go for lunch with a girlfriend, but make the time for yourself and commit to it. Chances are, if you are not happy, no one else is either.5. Learn how to prioritize. Starting your business can make every problem seem like a fire. Relax, take a deep breath, and prioritize. Most often what seems like an emergency at first can wait and you can deal with it later.6. Understand there are only 24 hours in each day. Decide how you are going to split up each day and make sure all parties are accounted for. Life never goes as planned but at least you have a goal each day to work towards.7. What works for me, may not work for you. Everyone is completely different and you have to decide what works for you. Be honest though and put yourself in each party's shoes.Starting your own business is the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself. Finding the time to make it happen is dependent on you prioritizing what’s important. Balancing it all requires a lot of work. Ask yourself honestly if everyone is happy, and be sure to Include yourself. If they aren’t, then it’s time to change to make it work.

We would love to hear YOUR strategies - how do you find balance as a mompreneur? Tell us in the comments below!


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