Setting The Roots of Your Business

I was twenty-five years old when I became a mompreneur.I was laid off from my “college job” as the membership and marketing director at the local chamber of commerce.  At that time, I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter.  I was devastated when I had to walk into the unemployment office.Your experience may differ, but either way - being a mompreneur can be very lonely.  Sure we have friends cheering us on but no one to help us with the nitty-gritty. It's up to us to direct our day, our to-do list and decide when to have lunch.  There is a freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. But when it comes to setting goals and moving forward in business, some accountability sure would help.For a time, I was the queen of self-sabotage in my business.  It was a cycle that went on for many years: I would set a goal, reach the goal, and then feel unworthy of what I had accomplished and sabotage it. Finally I stopped and asked myself a very important question:

Why Are You Doing What You're Doing?

Money? Self-satisfaction? It's essential to the success of your business to determine what is at the root of your goals. After much personal development work on me, I discovered that I’m a serious “people pleaser.” I need others to approve or like me at all times.  If they don’t like me then I need to know why or what I can do to change their minds. I found that my business was based on this mentality, and when I did not receive abundant approval, I could not appreciate my achievements.I encourage you to stop and think about the drive behind your business. Maybe you are also a people-pleaser. Maybe you are solely concerned with making money. It's possible that the roots of your business are what is blocking your growth and giving room for self-sabotage.Something has to change.

Setting Your Roots

My life shifted in 2009 when our family moved across town and at the same time my direct sales business had fallen apart.  It was another tough time and I needed to refocus. My refocus came when I began training for my 1st half marathon.Ok don’t check out here.Let me tell you that before I began training, I had never run a day in my life unless a dog was chasing me.Training gave me time to think. I set new roots for my business. I decided that I didn't want to achieve my goals only to please other people. But I also didn't want achievements that were only self-serving. My business needed to be more than a paycheck!In the process, I discovered that I truly feel fulfilled when my business helps other people. I can live in my greatness, achieve my best, and give others the opportunity to be great too. How awesome is that? This became the foundation for my business and my relationships. My drive was no longer only about me, and my self-sabotage began to disappear.What are the roots of your business? Do they line up with what you really want your business to be?It’s easy to get caught up and set roots that you don't even know are there. You are doing this alone, and it's a tough gig! Let me encourage you to take the following steps to make sure you aren't self-sabotaging your success: 1.Create a mission statement or purpose statement that flows across many facets of your life not just your business. Try to make only one sentence so you can memorize it and share it with others. My personal purpose statement is "to be an Authentic Woman of God that brings love and courage to the people around me." 2. Involve a mentor or coach in your business to be accountable to so you can continue to strive for greatness rather than mediocrity. Most likely you will want to self-sabotage at times because it comes so natural you don’t even realize you are doing it.  It’s very important to have what I call a “board of directors” for your business and life.  These are folks that support you regularly in your business and are your biggest cheerleaders.  Involve them in your goals.  Share with them the bigger picture of your business. I promise you will be more prone to succeed if you involve others and allow them to keep you on track.When the roots of your business are properly centered, you will see amazing things happen!

Let's hear from you! What are the roots of your business? When you stop to think about it, do they line up with what you really want? Tell us in the comments below.


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