Blog CPR, stat!

Do you have a blog that's gone from healthy and new to old and gasping? Don't call 911. We have shock paddles.Here are simple ways to get your blog breathing again:

Hoo, hoo,Hootsuite!

When you add new posts to your blog, you want to let your social media followers know about it. You also don't want your oldies but goodies to get buried in your archives without new fans ever having seen 'em.Hootsuite is a super-sweet tool for publishing both new posts (automatically!) and oldies-but-goodies (with their nifty scheduling option), to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to get a flood of traffic to your site. Start hooting now!


Your blog is just like you - it needs a little cosmetic help once in awhile.Give it a fresh look with new graphics and fonts. Make your opt-in box irresistible. Categorize your content and highlight your best posts. Add share buttons to make it easy for your readers to spread the love.

Show your mad skillz

Want to get people excited about your blog (again)?Create a free ebook by compiling your best blog posts and offer it as a free download for new subscribers. It's a great (and easy!) way to not only build your list, but also to build your brand, establish yourself as an authority and get a flood of new traffic to your site.

Hop on the SEO Speedwagon

Has it been awhile since you thought about SEO? We thought so.Check out your Google Analytics to discover your best keywords and then refresh your post descriptions, title tags and meta data. No, we're not speaking a foreign language. Everything you need to know about SEO is right here. 

911 Operator: How are you going to resuscitate your blog? Tell us in the comments.

Geek Your Way Healthy


Wardrobe Staples That Go from Diaper Changes to Starbucks to Boardroom