3 Ways to Keep Sick Days At Bay
Sorry mogul moms, no sick days for you! When you're a mom who owns a business, calling in sick is not an option. Of course, when the flu strikes, you must take care of yourself and rest (even if you don’t want to!). But wouldn’t it be better to just get sick less often? Here are 3 ways to wage war on germs and keep sick days at bay:
Kill the toothbrush:
Seriously, you don’t even want to know how many germs and viruses stick to your toothbrush. Trust us when we say it’s nasty! Zap your toothbrush with a Violight toothbrush sanitizer. Simply pop your brush, bristles down, into the unit and let it kill 99.9% of the yuck on your brush.
Boost your Immunity:
Load up on Vitamin C during cold and flu season for an immunity boost. Fresh citrus is best, but in a pinch, you can take a supplement like Emergen-C. Also, increase the "good bacteria" in your gut with probiotics. There are lots of vitamin supplements out there. Ask your physician to see which ones are right for you. Exercise boosts immunity too, so try to get some every day. Make sure you have the right shoes and equipment, and choose a fun program that fits your lifestyle.
Keeping germs away from your nose and mouth is important for prevention. Keep your hands clean with frequent washing. Avoid touching germy things, like soap dispensers and bathroom handles (use a fresh tissue to open doors). Or, go touch-less with the new hands free soap dispensers from Lysol.
How do you keep sick days at bay? Share your tips (not your germs) in the comments.