They Told Two Friends...And So On

Remember that Faberge Organics ad from the 80s where the model loved the shampoo so much that she told two friends about it? And they told two friends, and so on, and so on?That's what Triberr is like for Twitter. You reach the followers of followers of followers. And so on, and so on. Who it’s for?Triberr is for any writer or blogger who wants to expand their reader base via Twitter.How does it work?Triberr is a ‘reach expander', which means it sends your articles and posts to more people than just those who follow you on Twitter.Once you join Triberr, you can join ‘tribes’ in areas that interest you or blend well with your business. When you have something new to post on twitter, members of your tribe also post your tweet to their followers.Every time one of your tribe members tweets your post, it goes to all of their followers. If you join multiple tribes, all with multiple members, you’re getting a huge bang in reach expansion.How do I join?Simply hop over to and get started. You’ll be assigned a tribe when you join, but after some participation, you’ll be able to join more tribes and even start your own.

Are you going to try Triberr? Go on, tell us!


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